Posted by : attorney stevelee

Ways the Attorney-Client Relationship Can Break Down

After a truck accident, finding a personal injury attorney you can trust to represent you and look out for your interests is essential. In addition to choosing an attorney who’s experienced and reputable, it’s also important to select a lawyer with whom you can maintain a positive attorney-client relationship.

Though it might not seem paramount at first glance, a good relationship between an accident attorney and his client is actually vital to the handling of a claim and its overall success. That’s why working to maintain this relationship is so crucial. Unfortunately, a number of things can strain the attorney-client relationship or even cause it to break down entirely. Understanding common attorney-client relationship pitfalls can help accident victims avoid making these same mistakes with their own lawyers.

Common Attorney-Client Relationship Issues

Here are just a few of the issues that can damage an attorney-client relationship:

  • Poor communication. Whether it’s poor communication from the client, the attorney, or between the client and the attorney, a failure to communicate can sour an attorney-client relationship—and fast. When it comes to how often you’ll communicate and how—calls, emails, texts—make sure you and your attorney are on the same page.
  • Unreasonable expectations. Unfortunately, not all cases are slam-dunks, and not all clients will walk away with a fortune. When discussing the details of your case with your attorney, make sure that you both have similar expectations of the outcome.
  • Miscommunication. Before a case begins, the attorney will usually go over the strengths and weaknesses of the case with his client. If the attorney fails to convey this information clearly, or the client doesn’t take the information to heart, miscommunication can occur.
  • Differing goals. Some clients may want to have their day in court, rather than take a more strategically sound settlement. If you have a preference between settlement and trial, make sure to communicate that preference to your attorney during your initial consultation.

Were You Injured in a Truck or DWI Accident?

If you were seriously injured in an accident caused by the negligence actions of another motorist, you may be eligible to seek compensation. Experienced Houston attorney Steve Lee can help you explore your legal options and fight for your rights. Contact our law office today to arrange a free, no-obligation case consultation.

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