Posted by : attorney stevelee

Wide-Turn Truck Accidents

The size and length of commercial trucks makes them difficult to maneuver, and it’s not unusual for drivers to clip the curb while making a wide turn. A driver must swing a truck wide to the left when making right turns, and wide to the right while turning left. If he or she fails to see smaller vehicles prior to making a turn, a serious accident may be the result.

Big Trucks Make Big Turns

Since commercial trucks are much heavier than passenger vehicles, they’re far more difficult to control. When an operator makes a wide turn, underestimating the amount of space needed and failing to notice vehicles in the trailer’s path are the major contributing factors for accidents.

Some of the most common collisions related to the size of these trucks include:

Striking a vehicle in the turn radius. Due to their length and height, commercial trucks have much bigger blind spots than passenger vehicles. This means the areas directly behind the truck and diagonally to each side are invisible to the driver. Collisions frequently occur when a truck driver fails to notice a passenger vehicle in his blind spot prior to making a turn.
Striking an oncoming vehicle. If the trucker moves too far to the left prior to making a right turn, he may strike an oncoming vehicle. These head-on collisions can be particularly devastating, causing serious injuries or death.

Injuries Due to Wide-Turn Accidents

The most common injuries caused by wide-turn truck accidents include:

  • Broken and fractured bones. These injuries frequently require multiple surgeries and extensive therapy.
  • Paralysis. Whether paralysis is temporary or permanent, it’s a devastating condition with harsh impact physically, psychologically, and financially.
  • Deep lacerations. Severe cuts caused by broken glass or sharp metal can cause permanent scarring, and may even lead to amputation if they become infected.

You Need Representation

When you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you need professional representation by an experienced personal injury attorney. To learn more about what the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., can do for you, visit us on Facebook.

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