Posted by : attorney stevelee

Construction Site Back Injuries: Causes and Prevention

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, sprains and strains are the most common injuries that require workers’ compensation and recovery days away from work. Certain industries have specific risks, such as falls from heights or dangerous equipment. However, whether you’re a construction worker or an executive assistant seated behind a desk, nearly every job exposes employees to back injury risks.

In many cases, back injuries can lead to chronic pain, affecting your ability to perform your job. They can also lead to serious disabilities that could lower your overall quality of life.

Construction Site Safety Tips to Avoid Back Injuries

The construction injury definitely has its fair share of dangers. Unfortunately, with the need to avoid machinery, fall, and site accidents, awareness for back safety isn’t exactly a top priority. Furthermore, although many activities can lead to back problems, employers and workers often ignore precautionary measures that could prevent strains and muscle tears, including:

  • Carrying heavy objects properly. To prevent muscle strain when carrying heavy objects, you should always bend your knees, not your back. For objects that way more than thirty pounds, make sure to request team lifts to distribute the weight.
  • Wearing appropriate shoes. Shoes should offer support, traction, and comfort for long hours and constant movement.
  • Paying attention to surroundings. Keep an eye out for signs and warnings about wet or uneven floors. If the lighting in a particular area is inadequate, make sure you tell your supervisor or foreman.
  • Stretching before shifts. Warming up your muscles can go a long way in preventing strains and sprains. When your muscles are pliable, they’re less likely to tear.

Your employer is required by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration to maintain workplace safety standards. If you’ve hurt your back in a construction work accident through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to personal injury compensation.

Claim Support and Guidance That You Need to Stand Tall

If you have suffered an injury because of your employer’s oversight, speak to our firm today.

  • We’ll look into your case from every angle to find evidence of neglect and wrongdoing.
  • We’ll fight for your right to compensation and make sure you’re treated fairly and with respect.
  • We’ll help ensure that your rights are protected.

Attorney Steve Lee has over 35 years of experience helping accident victims. If you’ve been injured at a construction site, call 800-232-3711 for a free consultation or begin a live chat to get started now.

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