Posted by : attorney stevelee

Vehicle Accidents on Graduation Day

Teenage drivers spend less time on the road than all other motorists, with the exception of senior citizens. Yet, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the fatal crash rate per mile driven for motorists aged16– to–19 years is nearly three times higher than the fatality rate for drivers 20 and older.

Collision risks are particularly high for students on graduation day.

Teen Vehicle Accident Causes

Vehicle accidents are the greatest risks to teen safety on graduation night, and many of these collisions are caused by:

  • Distracted driving. Like too many adults, some teenagers try to multitask while driving. Unfortunately, teens are four times more likely than adults to have a vehicle accident while texting or talking on the phone.
  • Drunk driving. Teenage drinking is always illegal and dangerous, but it often turns deadly when combined with getting behind the wheel. Teens operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol face a much higher collision risk than intoxicated adult drivers.
  • Driving with passengers. Other vehicle occupants can easily distract an inexperienced driver, particularly when those passengers are teenagers celebrating their high school graduation.

Preventing Teen Vehicle Accidents

There are a couple of steps parents can take to reduce the risk of teenage driving accidents:

  • Limit driving hours. Restricting nighttime driving is an effective way to reduce teenage vehicle accident risks, since many of these collisions occur at night. On graduation night, parents can encourage their kids to use public transportation, or even hire a chauffeured ride.
  • Limit the number of passengers. Collision risks grow exponentially with an increase in the number of vehicle occupants. Parents should consider limiting the number of passengers their teenage drivers are allowed to have.

Receiving Compensation

There’s no greater tragedy than the loss of a young person in a graduation day vehicle accident. If your child was injured or killed while traveling as a passenger in a friend’s car, you’re entitled to compensation. To discuss your claim, contact the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., by using the form on this page.

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