Posted by : attorney stevelee

Truck Accidents Can Happen Anywhere—Even Independence Day Parades

As we approach the Fourth of July holiday in Texas, we want to wish you a safe and fun holiday weekend. Unfortunately, we hear about many motorists being injured in truck accidents on our state’s highways during summer holiday weekends, so please be sure to look out for truckers who may be driving erratically or recklessly.

Though we frequently discuss highway safety when it comes to trucks, the Fourth of July brings another danger into the spotlight: trucks in parades. Though you will rarely see an 18-wheeler in a local parade, there are still floats and fairly large trucks involved that can cause a lot of damage if certain safety precautions are not taken. In recent years, people have fallen off floats being towed by trucks and others were hit by trucks when running out into the parade route. Last Independence Day in Maine, a man was crushed after an antique fire truck had a mechanical failure, crashed into the tractor he was driving, threw him off and ran him over. It is also hard to forget the tragic accident that happened in Midland when a train hit a flatbed tractor trailer that was carrying wounded veterans and their families.

Every truck accident in which someone is injured or killed is awful, but they can be especially traumatizing for all involved when they occur during parades. Parades attract families with children and are meant to be carefree, fun events. If you are attending a parade this Fourth of July, make sure your children understand that they cannot run into the road, and always keep one eye open for any potential truck accidents.

Were you or someone in your family seriously injured in a truck accident? Please call Attorney Steve Lee for your free consultation, or fill out our easy online contact form and we will get right back to you.

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