Posted by : attorney stevelee

Evidence is vital to building a solid truck accident claim. Especially since these types of cases are often difficult to prove. With a variety of complexities involved, you will need to ensure you have strong legal representation. Contact a Houston truck accident attorney to discuss your case.

Three important considerations must be made when collecting evidence for a truck accident claim. The first is falsified records. An attorney may be able to recognize when a trucking company has tried to change information that could help prove their liability.

For instance, drivers are allowed a certain number of hours on the road. If they go over, they are breaking federal regulations, so there may be inconsistencies with the records that indicate they were trying to cover this up.

A second consideration is that your evidence may show liability for more than one party. Although it appears the driver was the only one at fault, you may learn that they weren’t adequately trained. This could lead to their employer also being found at fault.

A third consideration is that just as you are attempting to collect evidence that shows liability, the trucking company and insurance company will be working with their own defense attorneys to disprove your claims. They may come up with evidence that shows you were partially or fully at fault.

Contacting a Houston Truck Accident Attorney

If you or someone you love has suffered serious injury because of someone else’s negligence, whether in a truck accident, a work accident, maritime accident or DWI crash, Houston attorney Steve Lee is ready to fight for your rights. Contact us today to schedule your consultation at 713-921-4171.

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