Posted by : attorney stevelee

Online Shopping May Lead to an Increase in Truck Accidents

Commercial trucks are the primary means of transporting goods from one geographic area to another. For decades, these goods were delivered to large retail locations such as grocery and discount stores, but that’s changing.

Urban areas across the country are experiencing a big increase in commercial truck traffic. The exploding popularity of e-commerce has led to a dramatic escalation in the number of deliveries made to consumers’ homes. According to a 2017 survey, 40 percent of internet users in the United States reported they shop online several times per month. With the resulting increase in truck traffic, there’s an increase in accident risks.

Truck Accident Causes

Transport and delivery trucks operated by parcel delivery services such as UPS and FedEx populate America’s streets and highways. Many delivery truck accidents occur because the driver’s visibility to the sides and rear of the vehicle is often severely limited, particularly when backing up. The transportation and delivery of goods is a stressful occupation, and truck operators are under constant pressure to deliver packages on time. This can lead to aggressive and careless behaviors, including:

  • Failing to stop for traffic lights or stop signs.
  • Speeding or traveling too fast for prevailing traffic and road conditions.
  • Failing to use turn signals.
  • Distracted driving, such as looking at a smartphone, or attempting to read a delivery list or map.

Truck Collision Compensation

While many truck accidents are caused by driver behavior, the delivery company’s management policies may also be to blame. If a truck operator is poorly trained, if cargo is loaded improperly, or if a truck is inadequately maintained, the trucking company may also be held liable for the collision.

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you need an experienced personal injury attorney to help you receive the compensation you deserve. To learn more about what the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., can do for you, visit us on Facebook.

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