Posted by : attorney stevelee

Routine Car Inspections Save Lives, Keep You Safe, and Keep Your Vehicle Running Longer

Owning a car is viewed as an essential life-step for many Texans. Maintaining that car, on the other hand, is viewed as an inconvenient bore. It’s a car…why can’t it just continuously work how it’s supposed to work?

Well, just like everything else in life, cars need to be cared for and maintained to work well and be efficient. Therefore, routine car inspections are a necessity to keep you and your family safe.

The Importance of Safety Inspections

If you had a one-lane personal highway that only you were allowed to drive on, the state might not care if you fail safety inspections, as you’re only putting yourself at risk. However, since you have to share the road with hundreds of thousands of other drivers, the state government has a vested interest in your car’s safety. It needs to know that your car is in good condition and is as safe as possible for you, fellow travelers, and the environment. Common inspections may include examinations of the following:

  • Lights. Verification that all exterior and interior lights work properly and all covers are free from breaks.
  • Windshield. Verification that your vehicle’s windshield is properly attached and free of breaks, cracks, and pits that may impair vision.
  • Brakes. Verification that your vehicle contains adequate braking mechanisms and that all brake pads, pedals, and hydraulics work correctly.
  • Exhaust system. Verification that your vehicle’s exhaust system—including the catalytic converter and gas caps—are functioning normally. This part of the inspection will also include emission testing to ensure your vehicle isn’t producing high levels of pollutants into the air. Pollutant levels that are tested include carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). If these pollutants exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, a new exhaust system will be required.
  • Seat belts. Verification that your vehicle contains proper restraint devices and that the belts are intact and working properly.
  • Steering. Verification that your vehicle’s steering is smooth and free of defects that may interrupt your ability to control your car’s movement.
  • Tires. Verification that your tires are inflated properly, free of tears and holes, and maintain the best air pressure levels for road conditions.

An Easy Choice for an Easy Test

Imagine causing an accident because you failed to get your car inspected, or failed to get something on your car repaired when you knew it was broken. This failure counts as negligence, and that can prove very costly if you end up in court.

If causing someone else harm doesn’t move you to act, think of the opposite outcome. Imagine someone else failing to get his car inspected, and as a result, his vehicle collides into yours. Not a good thought, is it?

A simple, routine safety examination can go a long way in preventing catastrophic accidents while also lengthening your vehicle’s lifespan. In the long run, there’s no downside for getting regular check-ups. Sure, you may wind up having to pay for repairs, but that cost is nothing compared to the cost of a collision.

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