Can I have a lawsuit for an ATV accident just like one for a car wreck?

A lawyer can never say definitively whether someone does or does not have a good lawsuit without knowing all of the specific facts involved in your individual situation. But generally, the answer to this question is: YES.

Off-road vehicles and ATVs are very different than cars in many respects. They do not (for the most part) have doors, windows, airbags, regular steering wheels or pedal brakes . . . nor do they operate normally on the roadways running in and around Houston, TX. Thus, they are not treated exactly like cars when it comes to personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits in the courts.

However, with all of this said, there are also many similarities. Primarily, the accidents that happen on off-road vehicles or ATVs are caused by some of the same factors as those in regular cars or trucks: driver error, driving while intoxicated, mechanical errors, and much more. Thus, there are some wrecks in these vehicles that can be treated the same legally.

The best way to know what type of case you are dealing with, and what legal rights you may have as a result in a court of law, is to speak with an experienced attorney who has dealt with similar cases before. There is very rarely a substitute for knowledge, expertise, and real-world experience.

If you or a family member has been injured or even killed in an accident involving an off-road vehicle or ATV and you think that the accident was not your fault, we recommend that you contact an attorney as soon as possible. Your lawyer can guide you along the way of deciding whether you have a case, and if applicable, helping you to file and prosecute it.

Most good attorneys will offer you a free, no-obligation consultation in their office as a way for you to decide if they are the right one to handle your case. If you choose to go forward, you will likely have to pay nothing unless you win your case. So really, there is very little risk at all for you to take action.

For more information about your legal rights, or to see how these types of cases work in the real world, call experienced Houston, TX auto accident wreck Attorney Steve Lee today at (800) 232-3711 or visit the contact page on this website.

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