Was Aggressive Truck Driving the Cause of Your Big-Rig Accident?

There are numerous possible reasons for truck accidents. One of the most common causes of truck collisions is aggressive driving.

Aggressive driving is any driving behavior that can be considered dangerous or that blatantly disregards road and safety laws. This type of behavior can result from a variety of factors including—being late, being angry, or just being impatient.

Although you may not realize this, commercial truck drivers have more reason than most to become aggressive on the road. They’re forced to travel at slower speeds (65 mph is their maximum), and give way to smaller and faster vehicles (car drivers routinely pass trucks and weave in and out of truck traffic)—and yet they’re still obligated to reach their destinations by firm deadlines. Anxiety, anger, frustration, and job-related stress can cause some truckers to drive more aggressively than they should, putting others at risks for truck accidents.

No matter what causes a trucker to drive aggressively, the results can be disastrous. However, just because you think the driver is being unsafe doesn’t necessarily mean his actions are negligent for the purposes of a personal injury lawsuit. For your claim to be credible, you must be able to prove that the truck driver’s aggressive behavior was indeed negligent.

Proving Negligence

You may think that if a truck passes you, then the driver must be speeding, but if you’re going 50 mph and he’s “speeding” along at the suggested 65 mph, he isn’t being negligent. Likewise, if a trucker swerves into another lane to avoid a hazard, he may not be considered legally careless. In order to claim negligence when pursuing a truck accident case, you must be able to provide evidence that shows the trucker’s aggressive driving directly resulted in one or more of these:

  • A violation of road laws. Examples include driving above the posted speed limit, driving without sufficient sleep, texting while driving or being otherwise distracted, driving recklessly, or many other acts.
  • Physical harm or property damage. Actual harm in the form of injuries or property loss is required to claim damages in a truck accident case.
  • Intentional assault. Deliberate actions that put others at risk—for example, intentionally feigning a swerve toward another vehicle to incite panic—is a common aggressive driving behavior. It also can constitute vehicular assault, and may allow a personal injury case to seek punitive damages, as well.

Negligent Aggression Effects

When aggressive truck drivers get behind the wheel, they risk causing a tragic accident involving serious injuries. Instead of calming down and refocusing their aggression into driving safely, they may use that aggression to justify:

  • Driving too fast
  • Following other cars too closely or tailgating
  • Swerving in and out of traffic
  • Driving erratically
  • Failing to let others merge
  • Running others off the road
  • Rear-ending other cars
  • Putting you and your family in danger

Combating Aggression for Justice

The good news is that aggressive driving is NOT justifiable when it causes severe injuries. If you or a loved one has been seriously hurt as a result of an accident caused by an aggressive truck driver, you may have an opportunity to pursue legal action against the negligent driver.

Call Attorney Steve Lee today to see if you may be eligible to earn financial compensation for the medical bills, lost wages, and emotional suffering endured on behalf of a trucker’s negligent decisions. You can call our offices toll-free at 800-232-3711 any time. You can also fill out the convenient contact form on this page and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible to schedule a FREE consultation about your claim and potential remedies. Reach out to us today to see how we’ll aggressively work to get you the justice you need for your recovery.

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