Maritime Rigging Accidents

Rigging failures are among the most devastating types of maritime accidents, since heavy machinery is being used to move immense loads over the heads of workers.

Vessel crew members, dock workers, and longshoremen may be severely injured due to a rigging accident.

Rigging Accident Injuries

Rigging involves the preparation of materials to be lifted by large pieces of equipment, such as cranes or hoists. Rigging hazards are everywhere for maritime workers, and some of the most common injury risks include:

  • Falls. A serious fall is one of the most common rigging dangers. Uneven, slippery, or cluttered surfaces can significantly increase the risk of falls. Falling can cause numerous health complications, including head injuries, brain damage, broken bones, and spinal cord damage.
  • Improperly-secured loads or gear. When rigging gear and equipment are defective or poorly maintained, serious accidents can occur. If equipment is permitted to move freely, or if loads aren’t properly secured prior to being hoisted, workers may suffer struck-by or crushing injuries. These accidents can result in shattered limbs or amputations.
  • Buckling or collapsing cranes. Weight limits are imposed on cranes to ensure they don’t tip over. If these limits are exceeded, the crane may tip over or the boom could collapse, causing head injuries, spinal cord damage, and broken bones.
  • Lack of training. When employees aren’t adequately trained in the operation of cranes or hoists, or when those working below fail to maintain a safe distance, cargo may be dropped onto them. This can cause severe head injuries and spinal cord damage.
  • Electrical hazards. Workers frequently hoist equipment by using energized lines. These cables can become worn due to exposure to weather and saltwater, creating a risk of electrical shock. When tools and equipment aren’t properly grounded, workers may be severely burned, or experience neurological disorders in electrocution accidents.

Rigging Accident Compensation

If you were been injured in a rigging accident while performing maritime work, you need experienced legal representation to help receive the compensation you deserve. To learn more about what the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., can do for you, visit us on Facebook.

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