If you drive a car or other motor vehicle on Texas roads, you are automatically at risk of being involved in a car accident.  Every year, there are hundreds of thousands of car accidents across the United States that result in serious injuries and sometimes death.  Below find Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Facts from 2019:

  • There were no deathless days on Texas roadways.
  • There were 12,897 serious injury crashes in Texas with 15,843 people sustaining a serious injury.
  • 256,338 persons were in injured in motor vehicle crashes.
  • 1 person was killed every 2 hours 26 minutes from a crash
  • 1 person was injured every 2 minutes 3 seconds from a crash
  • 1 reportable crash occurred every 56 seconds

If you have been injured in a car accident, contact a Texas car accident lawyer at the law office of Steven M. Lee, PC at 713-921-4171 or 800-232-3711.

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