Texas Ban on Texting

Texas legislators are looking to pass a bill that would ban all texting and electronic messaging while driving. (Chron.com)

The proposed law would not affect those stopped at a light or stop sign. Violators could face a fine as much as $200 and a Class C misdemeanor charge.

Thousands of people die each year in preventable accidents due to distractions and cell phone use. Texting is particularly dangerous, even said to be 20 times more dangerous than drunken driving.

Thirty other states have already banned texting while driving as well as a few Texas cities. San Antonio seems to have the strictest standards in Texas and does not allow texting even while stopped at a light or stop sign.

Texting while driving is a bad idea, period. This recent action to ban cell phone texting will hopefully reduce the amount of injuries and deaths. If more drivers can keep their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road, it is pretty reasonable to assume that the number of collisions should go down.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a Texas accident, you should contact a Houston accident lawyer to find out your legal options. You could be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact Attorney Steve Lee at 713-921-4171 or Toll Free 800-232-3711 for legal advice.

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