Top Reasons Why There Is So Much Traffic in Houston (2024)

Houston city administrators and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) continually focus on improving traffic and ongoing congestion throughout the city. The rise in traffic always paves the way for more Houston accidents and injuries.

Human error, coupled with the growing number of commuters traveling through Houston, is a challenge to every driver in the city. Contact the Houston accident and injury lawyers at Steve M. Lee P.C. to discuss a car accident case and the compensation available to you for damages. Our decades of service to clients in Houston and throughout Texas provide insight into your legal battles and solutions to your most challenging financial needs.

The State of Houston Traffic Conditions

Houston’s traffic congestion paints a costly picture as described by Texas A&M Transportation Institute. This report found that traffic delays, truck delays, and truck impacts are creating a growing transportation crisis in the area. According to Houston traffic and congestion annual data:

  • Annual traffic delays equal 137,342,837 hours.
  • Delays in traffic account for 47,227,311 gallons of wasted fuel.
  • The cost of congestion totals $3,616,238,781.
  • Trucks experience 8,555,827 hours of delay.
  • Trucks waste 12,446,143 gallons of fuel because of traffic.
  • Truck congestion costs $530,861,484 annually.
  • Truck impact in Houston accounts for 6.2% of total delays.
  • Over 26% of wasted fuel is due to trucking impact in Houston.
  • Truck impact accounts for 14.7% of congestion costs.

A private company, INRIX, produces an annual traffic scorecard report by analyzing data collected from road sensors and automobiles. Its data provides insight into how traffic in Houston impacts drivers in terms of time and money. Houston’s traffic scorecard indicates the following:

  • Houston ranks 19th in worldwide congestion.
  • Houston is the 8th most congested city in the U.S.
  • Every Houston driver loses approximately 62 hours a year due to traffic.
  • Traffic in Houston costs each driver $1,082 annually.

Below, we look at some of the reasons Houston has so much traffic. Knowing who to contact when a traffic accident unexpectedly strikes is critical when you need the help of a Houston car accident lawyer.

Current Reasons Why Houston Has So Much Traffic

A Growing Port

port of houstonMany foreign and domestic goods entering and leaving the U.S. must pass through the Houston area to access Port Houston. Port Houston’s annual tonnage weighed in at 293.8 million short tons, ranking it as the top-ranked port in total foreign and domestic water tonnage in the United States.

Port Houston handles 73% of the U.S. Gulf Coast container traffic. Its economic impact on the state of Texas is $439 billion.

Moving these goods cross country comes at a cost to Houstonians.

Drivers across the city feel the impact of Houston traffic daily. Consequently, the likelihood of suffering injuries in a Houston truck accident also increases due to the number of tractor-trailers on the highway.

A Rapidly Expanding Population

Port Houston is only one of many industries contributing to Houston’s growth and increased traffic. The Houston Ship Channel‘s economic and impact report states that the channel generates 78,308 direct jobs in the area, with 72% of workers living in Harris County.

Houston is also a hub for other growing industries and is known as the Energy Capital of the World. Its booming economy attracts individuals from diverse cultures and a young workforce searching for career opportunities. Industry expansion and growth contribute significantly to a growing population and increasing traffic in Houston.

A Sprawling City

The city boundaries of Houston have become decentralized with the growth and development of the population. Rapid growth leads to urban sprawl, requiring individuals to commute more significant distances for work, pleasure, and other opportunities. The average Houstonian averages 17,534 annual miles a year, according to the Rice University Shell Center for Sustainability.

Limited Zoning Regulations

A lack of zoning laws decreases the need for forethought and future planning, making it more arduous to build new roads and expand existing ones within unplanned urbanscapes. Limited zoning regulations may also increase the amount of traffic in Houston because of poor traffic design and flow.

Ongoing Road Construction

Highway expansion is necessary to support long-term growth and accommodate the increase in Houston traffic. Improving the existing infrastructure is also essential for safely accommodating Houston’s traffic load. However, construction projects constantly disrupt traffic flow, leading to bottlenecks. As many as four Houston highways rank among the U.S.’s top 50 major freight highway bottlenecks and congested corridors.

Insufficient Public Transportation

insufficient public transportationMany U.S. cities like Boston, New York, and San Francisco prioritize public transportation. While improvements continue to Houston’s public transit system, it is not as prolific or adequate as other major cities. Because of the shortcomings in public transportation, many commuters must rely on personal vehicles, which adds to the traffic load in Houston.

The number of Houston pedestrian accidents may also increase due to inadequate public transportation. According to Houston Vision Zero, only 3% of Houston residents use public transit, while 78% of Houstonians drive alone or carpool.

Severe Weather Events

Houston experiences its share of severe weather from hurricanes and significant rainfall, which can lead to flooding. Fog may also contribute to traffic accidents in Houston. The Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration states that 21% of annual crashes are weather-related. Wet pavement and rainfall contribute to the majority of crashes.

Driving too fast for conditions, driving distracted, driving while impaired, or other human errors can lead to significant injuries in a Houston car accident.

The car accident lawyers at Steve M. Lee P.C. will work to determine the contributing factors leading to your injuries.

Are You Suffering Injuries Due to a Houston Traffic Accident?

Schedule a free case review to discuss your injuries in a Houston car accident. For over 50 years, the attorneys at Steve M. Lee P.C. have successfully represented all types of Houston motor vehicle accidents. Let us evaluate your claim in a free consultation today.