Posted by : attorney stevelee

Common Types of Negligence That May Lead to a Houston Personal Injury Claim

Without establishing that another driver was negligent in a car accident, you will not have a case.

If you have sustained serious or disabling injuries in a car accident in Houston, a personal injury lawyer will be necessary.

Negligence means that the other driver acted in a careless or thoughtless manner, which resulted in injury to another party. This can include doing something illegal or dangerous, such as running a red light or failing to do something that should have been done, such as yielding to another vehicle.

There are some common types of negligence that can lead to the filing of a personal injury claim, including:

  • driving too fast for weather conditions;
  • distracted driving;
  • running a stop sign;
  • speeding;
  • following a vehicle too closely;
  • not checking a blind spot; and
  • making a left-hand turn in front of an oncoming vehicle.

Negligence comes in many forms and is something you will need to establish as the cause of your accident and injuries in order to pursue a personal injury claim. For help after your car accident in Houston, a personal injury lawyer should be consulted.

Contacting a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have suffered serious injury because of someone else’s negligence, whether in a truck accident, a work accident, maritime accident, or DWI crash, Houston Attorney Steve Lee is ready to fight for your rights. Contact us today to schedule your consultation – 1-713-921-4171.

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