What do rapid response teams do after a truck accident?

The hours immediately following a serious truck collision are a crucial period for gathering evidence. Due to the size and weight of commercial trucks, truckers often manage to walk away from such accidents with minor or no injuries.

Motorists in smaller vehicles often aren’t so lucky.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 83 percent of fatalities in large truck accidents during 2016 were not occupants of the truck. This typically means that a commercial truck driver is able to contact the trucking company immediately after a collision, while injured passenger vehicle occupants wait for an ambulance. The trucking company will then call its insurance agency, whose law firm will likely have a rapid response team assembled within an hour.

What Rapid Response Teams Do

Evidence needed to determine the cause of a truck collision may be moved or destroyed within just a few hours of the accident. Determining the precise distance between the vehicles involved in the collision and other objects may be difficult once the wreckage is moved by first responders.

Physical evidence, such as skid marks, collision debris, and fluid spills, can quickly be destroyed by heavy traffic or bad weather. To gather this vital evidence before it disappears, the attorneys representing the trucking company’s insurance carrier will likely deploy a rapid response team.

This team, which typically consists of defense attorneys, accident reconstructionists, and investigators, is tasked with gathering evidence as quickly as possible. This evidence may consist of photos of the accident scene, witness statements, event data recorder information, and electronic control module data.

Evidence to Support Your Claim

Trucking companies have rapid response teams led by knowledgeable defense attorneys on their side, so truck accident victims must have their own representation.

If you were hurt in a truck collision, you need an experienced personal injury attorney who understands these unique claims. Your lawyer can preserve physical evidence from vehicles and the accident scene, interview witnesses, and hire investigators and experts to support your claim. To learn more, contact the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., by clicking the Live Chat button on this page.


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