Can I appeal a decision about my Texas workers’ compensation benefits?

Yes. In fact, most applications for Texas workers’ compensation benefits are not accepted on the first try. In reality, you may have to appeal one, two, or even three times before your application is approved and you start receiving benefits.

In general, a contested workers’ compensation case goes through at least some of the following steps:

To have the best possible chance of success with your initial application as well as your subsequent appeals, it is important to construct the right presentation. As with any trial, the more persuasive the presentation, the better chance you have of winning.

Filing the required paperwork—on time and properly completed—is a critical part of being successful in the application and appeals process for Texas workers’ compensation claims. If anything is out of order or the required documents are not filed in a timely manner, those errors could severely diminish or even totally ruin your chances of receiving any benefits you might be entitled to.

To ensure that you have the best possible chance of receiving workers’ compensation benefits after you are injured on the job, it’s a good idea to have an experienced Texas workers’ compensation lawyer on your side. He or she can make sure that your paperwork is in order and that you have the most persuasive story prepared for your appeals.

Attorney Steve Lee has 38 years of experience in the Houston area, helping people just like you earn the compensation they deserve. To schedule a free initial consultation, call (800) 232-3711 today.

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