I believe my recent construction injury happened because a co-worker was drunk. What should I do?

Drinking before work is a bad idea for any worker, in any industry or occupation. Some people can barely walk or talk when they have too much to drink, never mind showing up for work and doing their jobs properly. The fact that someone who does construction work might operate heavy machinery or use tools while intoxicated is very alarming.

If you think your construction site injury was caused by a drunk co-worker, the first thing you need to do is worry about yourself and your health. You should see a doctor immediately to seek treatment, even if you’re not completely positive that you’re seriously hurt. Construction workers tend to have a higher pain threshold than some other people, simply because they’re used to extreme physical work on a daily basis; don’t let that stop you from seeing a doctor. Your doctor will be able to evaluate your injury, provide a treatment plan, and advise you as to when you may be clear to go back to work.

Once you’ve been seen by a medical professional, you need to call a construction accident injury lawyer, like Attorney Steve Lee. You may think it appears pretty cut-and-dry that your seemingly intoxicated co-worker is solely responsible for your accident, but it may go much deeper than that. An experienced personal injury and workers’ compensation lawyer is going to be able to look at the big picture to figure out who is responsible for your injuries and how much compensation you deserve.

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