Posted by : attorney stevelee

Teenager Workplace Injuries

Summertime jobs are a great way for teenagers to experience the working world and develop a strong work ethic. Unfortunately, employed teens are also at risk of injury due to workplace accidents. During 2014, the injury rate for workers between the ages of 15 and 19 was more than double the rate of injuries for workers 25 and older.

Teen Workplace Injuries

Teenagers may experience numerous workplace injuries, including:

  • Slip and fall accidents due to waiting tables at a restaurant
  • Falling from a ladder while retrieving items from a retail store shelf
  • Grease burns caused by operating the fryer at a fast food restaurant
  • Injuries sustained while operating a vehicle as a delivery driver
  • Chemical burns from using toxic solvents while working for a janitorial service
  • Cuts and scrapes caused by operating lawn equipment at a landscaping service
  • Repetitive stress injuries due to continually scanning items as a cashier

Workers’ Compensation Eligibility

There are no length-of-service or work-hour requirements that must be met in order to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. All employees are entitled to receive these benefits, including:

  • Teenage workers. Even when someone’s youth and inexperience causes him to make mistakes that result in injury, he’s still entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits.
  • Part-time workers. Teens may receive workers’ compensation benefits regardless of the number of hours they typically work each week.
  • Seasonal workers. Many retail stores hire teens to meet increased demand during the holidays, and these employees also qualify for workers’ compensation benefits.

Your Teen’s Right to Compensation

While injured teenagers have the same right to workers’ compensation benefits as their adult coworkers, they may need an attorney to help them receive the compensation they deserve.

The best way you can help your injured teen is to consult an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. To learn more, contact the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., by clicking the Live Chat button on this page.

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