Recovery for Work-Related Childcare Provider Injuries

Childcare providers are a vitally important workforce due to the role they play in molding children into responsible adults. Unfortunately, whether they’re educating children, caring for toddlers, or nurturing infants, these workers are at risk for job-related injuries. While childcare may not seem like a hazardous occupation, caring for young ones can be difficult, stressful, and risky work.

Roleplay Kitchen at Nursery

Common Childcare Provider Injuries

Childcare can be physically and emotionally draining, and it can result in:

  • Back injuries. It isn’t hard to see how lifting a squirming 30-pound child can result in back injuries, and these ailments are unfortunately common. Pushing heavy strollers, moving furniture, and carrying play equipment can also injure someone’s back.
  • Infectious diseases. Daycare centers are the perfect breeding grounds for infectious diseases. Changing diapers, helping children go to the bathroom, wiping runny noses, brushing teeth, and administering first aid all have the potential to spread disease. Chicken pox, mumps, influenza, strep throat, meningitis, and tuberculosis are common childcare infection risks.
  • Fractured and broken bones. Constantly navigating around furniture, tons of toys, and small children creates a constant risk of slips, trips, and falls. These accidents may result in fractured and broken bones.
  • Chemical hazards. Childcare workers are frequently exposed to disinfectants containing chlorine bleach, which might irritate the skin and eyes. Many other chemicals used for cleaning contain volatile organic compounds capable of causing upper respiratory infections and headaches. Even arts and crafts materials, such as permanent markers and spray adhesives, contain organic solvents that may cause dizziness, allergies, and respiratory damage with chronic exposure.

Protecting Your Right to Recovery

If you’ve been injured while providing childcare, you need an attorney to help you receive the compensation you deserve. You may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, including medical care, income while you’re unable to work, and payments for disability. If you were injured due to the negligence of a third party, you may also file a third party claim against the person responsible for your ailments.

To learn more, contact the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., by clicking the Live Chat button on this page.

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