Construction Industry Falls

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, falls are the leading cause of private sector worker deaths in the construction industry. During 2015, falls accounted for 38.8 percent of all construction fatalities. Typical injury causes include falls off ladders, scaffolding, or a lift; falls from an open window; and falls from one floor to another through an unfinished area in the floor.

Causes of Construction Fall Injuries

Common injury causes include:

  • Incomplete structures. When a building is under construction, incomplete floors, walls, and staircases can easily lead to falls that result in serious injury.
  • Debris scattered about the worksite. Site debris, such as remnants from cut wood, cement, metal, or rebar, is one of the main causes of trip-and-fall accidents.
  • Weather elements. Rain, ice, and snow can create a slip-and-fall hazard when a building under construction is exposed to the elements.

Types of Construction Industry Falls

Construction falls are generally divided into two categories: those on the same level and falls to a lower level. While falls on the same level generally result in relatively minor injuries, falls to a lower level frequently cause serious injuries or even death. Most falls that occur on the same level are caused by tripping over an obstacle, while falls to a lower level often involve ladders, scaffolds, and elevator shafts.

Common Construction Fall Injuries

Construction site falls can lead to serious injuries, including:

  • Bone fractures.
  • Severe abrasions.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Scrapes and bruises.
  • Amputation.
  • Permanent disabilities.
  • Death.

You Need an Attorney

Since injuries resulting from construction falls can be so severe, the rehabilitation process may involve surgery, physical therapy, and expensive medications. When a construction worker lacks adequate health insurance coverage, these costs can quickly become a substantial financial burden. If your workers’ compensation benefits are not sufficient to cover these medical expenses, an experienced attorney can help you obtain the compensation you need. To discuss your claim, contact the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., by using the form on this page.

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