Pedestrian Injuries to the Young and Old

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5,376 pedestrians died due to being struck by vehicles in 2015. Of all pedestrians, senior citizens and children are most at risk. In 2015, individuals aged 65 and above accounted for 19% of all pedestrian deaths, while one in five children under the age of 15 killed in collisions were pedestrians.

Pedestrian Injuries

When pedestrians are struck by a vehicle, they often sustain injuries to the head, chest, abdomen, and extremities. Some of the most common pedestrian collision injuries include:

  • Internal bleeding
  • Spinal injuries
  • Fractures
  • Internal injuries
  • Pelvic injuries
  • Head trauma
  • Death

Staying Safe

Pedestrians can stay safe by ensuring that they are always visible to drivers, and by making eye contact with them whenever possible. Pedestrians should also:

  • Use the sidewalk. Walk on the shoulder while facing traffic if no sidewalk is available.
  • Use designated crosswalks or intersections to cross the street whenever possible. If there is no crosswalk, find a well-lit spot to cross and wait for a long gap in traffic.
  • Increase nighttime visibility by carrying a flashlight, and wear lightly colored or reflective clothing.
  • Avoid walking alongside highways or other roadways where pedestrians aren’t allowed.
  • Avoid distractions that cause them to divert their attention from traffic, such as smartphones or headphones.
  • Make eye contact with drivers in stopped or approaching cars before crossing in front of their vehicles.
  • Stay in well-lit areas, particularly while crossing the street.

Seeking Compensation

Pedestrian injuries caused by vehicle collisions are frequently serious, and sometimes tragic. If you’ve been injured or lost a loved one due to a driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. A personal injury lawsuit may allow you to recover damages for past and future medical bills, lost income, permanent impairment, pain and suffering, emotional distress, punitive damages, and wrongful death. To discuss your claim, contact the law offices of Steve M. Lee, P.C., by using the form on this page.

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