Keeping Your Children Safe on a School Bus

School buses are considered relatively safe due to their weight, height, sturdy construction, and laws protecting them. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) reports that, on average, four children a year are killed in school bus crashes compared to nearly 500 child fatalities that occur in passenger vehicles each year.

However, despite these numbers favoring the safety of school buses, NHTSA still feels that actions can be taken to make school buses even safer. When it comes to school bus safety, they strongly recommend that each state implement campaigns to focus on the importance of the following:

  • Paying attention to loading and drop-off zone areas. Many school bus injuries occur as a result of drivers failing to see children when they are getting ready to board the bus or cross the street after being dropped off. Increased awareness to check the loading and drop-off zones is crucial for both passing vehicles and the bus itself to avoid tragic accidents.
  • Decreasing driver distractions. Texting, fiddling with the radio, and interacting with other passengers are all distractions that can cause the driver of a car to fail to see a child near a bus. This is why a stronger focus on limiting driver distractions is essential for school bus safety.
  • Requiring seatbelt use. While Texas is one of the few states with legislation regarding seatbelts on school buses, it is not funded and is therefore not enforced. NHTSA believes all school buses should have seatbelts, but the federal government is also not offering any funding to add them to existing buses. For buses that do have seatbelts, their use should be required.

Who Is to Blame When a Child Is Injured?

If your child was injured on a school bus in Houston, a personal injury lawyer can help you determine who is liable. Depending on the situation, fault may lie with multiple parties, including:

  • The school bus driver
  • Another driver
  • The school district or bus company
  • The bus manufacturer

When more than one party may be at fault, the case can become much more complicated. That’s where we come in.

Call Attorney Steve Lee Now

If you or your child has been injured as a result of a school bus accident, we can help you pursue an injury compensation claim. Learn the legal options that are available to you by calling us today and taking advantage of our firm’s free legal consultation. Call 713-921-4171 to speak to one of our experienced and dedicated attorneys. Your child’s future may depend on it.

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