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A 15-year-old girl was killed after being hit by an Aldine ISD school bus that had dropped her off just a few houses away from where she lived.

Nellie Comier was driving the bus at the time of the fatal accident. She told investigators that she did not see Alma Meza crossing in front of the bus, said Harris County sheriff’s deputies. The bus moved forward, causing Alma to fall to the ground where she was run over by the left rear wheels. Alma died at the scene.

According to her relatives, Alma was a straight-A student and frequently helped care for her three siblings while her mother was working. Her family members said she was a typical teenager who dreamed of becoming a runway model, teacher or professional volleyball player one day.

Relatives gathered together at their northeast Harris County home to comfort loved ones grieving after Alma’s tragic death.

Eddie Longoria had been riding on the same bus as Alma and said that the mood on the campus was somber following the accident. He said the school has officially retired Alma’s sports number. “They decorated her locker with posters and her basketball shoes,” said Longoria.

Read More About Harris County Girl Killed in Bus Accident…

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