Posted by : attorney stevelee

When a large truck jackknifes, it often leads to a multiple car pileup and numerous injuries. Jackknifing is a term that refers to a situation where the trailer of a large truck swings out to one side, making a 90-degree angle This type of accident got its name because this 90-degree angle resembles that of a jackknife in its protective handle.

Jackknifing may be caused from a slick surface, poor weather conditions, downshifting, brake failure, accelerating on a low friction surface or failing to properly negotiate a curve. The trailer then swings to the side, as the large truck skids along the road.

Due to the nature of Houston truck accidents, these collisions often result in catastrophic injuries. Neck injury, spinal cord damage, head trauma, broken pelvis, coma, burns, and death have been known to be caused by serious 18-wheeler accidents. In some situations, the trucker, trucking company or other responsible party can be held accountable and you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

A large truck accident in Texas is usually life changing. If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident, you should contact an experienced Houston truck accident attorney who can explain your legal options. Contact Attorney Steve Lee today at 713-921-4171 or 800-232-3711 for more information.

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