Posted by : attorney stevelee

How a Repeat Offender’s Accident History Can Benefit Your Injury Claim

It’s a sad yet inevitable fact that accidents will happen. No one is perfect. The trick is to learn from your mistakes to avoid further mishaps.

Unfortunately, some people fail to use their past blunders to improve their present and future prospects. As a result, a single act of negligence becomes a precedent for future behavior. This repetition is not only foolish but dangerous—especially when it comes to repeat car accident offenders.

The Importance of Driving Records and Driver History

An experienced car accident attorney has the resources and ability to investigate the driving history of any driver involved in your accident. If a driver was involved in previous accidents, this information can be used as vital evidence in your claim by showing:

  • Repeated negligence. Depending on the circumstances of the past accidents, your attorney can argue that the driver is known to be reckless.
  • Precedent. If the previous history shows incidents of DUIs, reckless behavior, or driver incompetence, your attorney can contend that these previous actions show a pattern in the driver’s behavior. This pattern can then be used to argue likely liability and fault.
  • Justification for punitive damages. Since the driver has obviously failed to learn from his mistakes, punitive damages—compensation awarded to punish the defendant—can be requested to help dissuade further acts of negligence.

Obtaining a Driver’s History

Acquiring a vehicle’s accident history can be as easy as inputting the driver’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) into a computer. However, this information does not always mean the driver is related to all the collisions that show up. Someone else may have driven the car or owned the car before the driver involved in your accident. Therefore, you must also obtain the driver’s personal driving record.

It’s important to note that repeat driving offenders may have used aliases and driven different vehicles to avoid legal problems. Unless you have dealt with situations like this before, it could be a long and difficult process to handle on your own.

Contacting a Texas Car Accident Attorney

The personal injury law firm of Steven M. Lee, PC, has helped many accident victims pursue compensation to cover collision costs. With a career spanning over forty years, attorney Lee has accumulated the resources, experience, and know-how you need not only to secure evidence, but also to use that information for your claim’s benefit.

To seek immediate assistance today, call 713-921-4171 or 800-232-3711. You can also use our convenient chat window to schedule your FREE consultation and receive answers to any pressing concerns. Don’t allow someone’s history to jeopardize your future. Contact us today!

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