Speeding Affects Both Your Injuries and Your Truck Accident Case

There are few things that are so dangerous as a driver who is speeding. Speed has been named the third-largest contributing factor to crashes in the nation, and the Texas Department of Transportation estimates that nearly 30,000 accidents were a direct result of speeding drivers in 2015. While an accident with a speeding passenger car can be devastating, a crash involving a speeding semi truck is likely to be fatal.

How Speeding Affects a Truck in an Accident

Truck drivers are eager to meet the deadlines set by their employers, and may engage in unsafe behaviors in order to get shipments in on time. Speeding is a form of reckless driving, and is often combined with road rage or aggressive driving to make a deadly cocktail that is likely to cause a crash.

Speeding can be especially deadly in truck accident cases due to the vehicle’s:

  • Weight. Tractor-trailers can legally weigh up to 40 tons, and those with special permits can weigh even more. This kind of weight requires a great deal of stopping distance, and will take much longer to slow down in an emergency.
  • Size. The steep walls of trailers and long banks of wheels make semi trucks much harder to control than passenger vehicles. In an accident, a truck can do damage to multiple vehicles and hurt more people than the average small car.
  • Cargo. The items a truck driver is hauling must be properly secured so they do not shift during the journey. If cargo becomes loose, the driver can lose control, causing the truck to roll over, jackknife, or even have the trailer detach and roll backward down the roadway.

A driver who is speeding can be held liable for negligence under Texas law, allowing victims to recover financial damages for injuries, lost income, medical treatment, and pain and suffering. However, victims have only two years from the date of the accident to file an injury lawsuit—so the sooner you speak with a truck accident attorney, the better your chances of compensation. Attorney Steve Lee has the experience and tenacity to demand maximum compensation for your losses. If you or a family member was hurt in a truck accident, contact us today to learn about your legal options.

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